Corail 假体与 Summit 假体在全髋关节 置换术后的中长期疗效比较





R 687.4+ 2



Comparison of Long-term Efficacy of Corail Prosthesis and Summit Prosthesis in Total Hip Arthroplasty

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    摘 要目的:比较 Corail 羟基磷灰石全涂层股骨柄假体(简称 Corail 假体)与 Summit 半涂层型股骨柄假体(简称 Summit 假体)在行全髋关节置换术(THA)患者中的中长期疗效。 方法:回顾性分析 2018 年 8 月至 2020 年 2 月在佛山市 第一人民医院关节骨外科行 THA 的患者 32 例,根据患者术中使用的股骨柄假体类型分为观察组(Corail 假体)17 例和对 照组(Summit 假体)15 例,手术均由同一组术者完成,且假体放置位置正确,术后康复计划相同。在患者术中及术后 1 d、 3 d、1 周、3 周、1 个月、3 个月、6 个月、9 个月、1 年时进行院内及门诊随访,比较两组患者的手术失血量、切口长度、 临床疗效、出院时间、手术前后 Harris 评分以及视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分。 结果:32 例患者术后的伤口均甲级愈合, 术后第 1 年内没有患者需要翻修。两组患者的围手术期相关指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。所有患者术后 的 Harris 评分相比于术前均有所增加,并且随着时间的增加而增加,同时 VAS 评分均有所下降,而两组之间比较,差异均 无统计学意义(P > 0.05);术后 1 年对患者影像学进行检查时,对照组有 4 例出现透亮线,观察组有 2 例出现骨下沉, 但无松动;末次随访时,两组股骨柄均无骨溶解、假体松动、无假体周围感染及骨折,假体生存率良好。 结论:THA 患者 使用 Corail 假体与 Summit 假体在中长期术后恢复的效果无显著差异,两种假体在术后影像学方面的变化差别不大,患者术 后均能获得较好固定。


    AbstractObjective To compare the medium and long-term efficacy of Corail hydroxyapatite fully coated femoral stem prosthesis (Corail prosthesis) and Summit semi coated femoral stem prosthesis (Summit prosthesis) in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA). Methods Retrospective analysis was made on 32 patients who underwent THA in articular bone surgery department of the First People's Hospital of Foshan from August 2018 to February 2020. According to the type of femoral stem prosthesis used in the surgery, the patients were divided into an observation group (Corail prosthesis) with 17 cases and a control group (Summit prosthesis) with 15 cases. The surgery was completed by the same group of operators, and the prosthesis was placed in the correct position. The postoperative rehabilitation plan was the same. During 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 3 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year after surgery, patients were followed up in the hospital and outpatient department to compare the surgical blood loss, incision length, clinical efficacy, discharge time, Harris score before and after surgery, and visual analogue scale (VAS) score between the two groups of patients. Results The wounds of 32 patients healed in Grade A, and no patients needed revision in the first year after operation. There was no significant difference in perioperative related indexes between the two groups (P > 0.05) . All patients had an increase in the Harris score postoperatively compared with preoperatively and with time, as well as a decrease in the VAS score, as compared between the two groups, there was no significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05), 4 cases in the control group showed clear line and 2 cases in the observation group showed bone subsidence but no loosening when the imaging examinations were performed one year after operation, there were no osteolysis, loosening of prosthesis, infection and fracture around prosthesis in both groups, and the survival rate of prosthesis was good. Conclusion There is no significant difference in the recovery effect between Corail and Summit prostheses in THA patients in the medium to long term after surgery. The changes in postoperative imaging between the two types of prostheses are not significant, and patients can achieve good fixation after surgery.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-04-20
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-08-28
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