新旧两种糖负荷联合静脉注射胰岛素在18F–FDG PET/CT 心肌代谢显像的可行性比较

(1.广东省医学科学院 广东省人民医院,广东 广州 510080)





R 541;R 445



Comparison of the Feasibility of the Old and New Schemes of Glucose Loading Combined with Intravenous Insulin in 18F-FDG PET/CT Myocardial Metabolism Imaging

(1.Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Guangzhou 510080)

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    摘 要目的:比较新旧两种糖负荷联合静脉注射胰岛素方法在冠心病(CHD)患者氟代脱氧葡萄糖(188F–FDG) 正电子发射型计算机断层扫描(PET/CT)心肌代谢显像中的价值。方法:回顾性分析广东省人民医院 2018 年 4 月 16 日 至 2021 年 4 月 2 日收治的 160 例 CHD 患者的心肌代谢显像临床资料,比较新旧两种调糖方案的图像质量以及两种调 糖方案的不良反应情况。结果:(1)38 例旧方案有糖尿病(DM)或糖耐量异常的患者(A1)中,29 例患者图像质 量较好,9 例图像质量差,其中有 8 例通过延迟 1 h 后图像可以诊断;29 例新方案有 DM 或糖耐量异常患者的(B1)中, 23 例患者图像质量较好,6 例图像质量差,通过延迟 1 h 后图像均可以诊断。A1 方案中图像质量较好占比为 76.3 % (29/38),B1 方案则为 79.3 %(23/29),两种方案比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。(2)旧方案无 DM 或 糖耐量异常患者(A2)中,图像质量较好占比 67.9 %(38/56),新方案无 DM 或糖耐量异常患者(B2)中,图像 质量较好占比 86.5 %(32/37),且所有图像均可诊断。(3)旧方案出现 3 例低血糖患者,新方案无患者出现低血糖 不良反应,两种方案不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。结论:在 CHD 患者18F–FDG PET/CT 心肌代谢显像中采用新调糖方案是可行的,且图像质量与旧方案无差异,并且不出现低血糖等不良反应。


    AbstractObjective To compare the value of the old and new schemes of glucose loading combined with intravenous insulin in myocardial metabolism imaging of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods The clinical data of myocardial metabolism imaging in 160 patients with CHD admitted to Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital from April 16, 2018 to April 2, 2021 were retrospectively analyzed, and the image quality of the old and new glucose-regulating schemes and the adverse reactions of the two schemes were compared. Results (1) Among 38 cases of the old schemes had diabetes mellitus (DM) or abnormal glucose tolerance of patients (A1), 29 patients had good image quality and 9 patients had poor image quality, among which 8 patients could be diagnosed by delayed image for 1 h. 29 cases of the new scheme had DM or patients (B2) with abnormal glucose tolerance, 23 patients had good image quality and 6 patients had poor image quality, all of which could be diagnosed by delaying images for 1 h. The proportion of good image quality in A1 scheme was 76.3 % (29/38), and that in B1 scheme was 79.3 % (23/29). There was no statistical significance between the two schemes (P > 0.05). (2) In the old scheme without DM or abnormal glucose tolerance of patients (A2), the proportion of good image quality was 67.9 % (38/56), while the new scheme without DM or abnormal glucose tolerance of patients B2, the proportion of good image quality was 86.5 % (32/37), and all the images could be diagnosed. (3) There were 3 patients with hypoglycemia in the old scheme, and no patients with adverse reactions of hypoglycemia in the new scheme. There was no statistical significance in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two schemes (P > 0.05). Conclusion In the 18F-FDG PET/CT myocardial metabolism imaging of CHD patients, it is feasible to adopt the new glucose-regulating regimen, and the image quality is no different from the old schemes, and no adverse reactions such as hypoglycemia appear.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-08-10
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-05-24
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