
(厦门医学院附属第二医院,福建 厦门 361021)





R 197.3


Monitoring and Analysis of Occupational Exposure of Medical Staff in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen Medical College

(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen Medical College, Fujian Xiamen 361021)

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    〔摘 要〕 目的:了解厦门医学院附属第二医院医务人员职业暴露现状,为日后做好医务人员职业安全防护工作提 供依据。方法:采用《职业暴露登记表》收集 2019–2021 年职业暴露人员的基本信息,使用 SPSS 统计软件对相关数 据进行统计分析。结果:厦门医学院附属第二医院 2019 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 12 月 31 日共有 281 人发生职业暴露, 女性 250 人(占 88.97 %);平均年龄(26.46 ± 5.44)岁;护理人员所占比例最高(228 人,占 81.14 %),其次为医 生(48 人,占 17.08 %);工龄≤ 3 年容易发生职业暴露(149 人,占 53.02 %);每年第三季度职业暴露相对较高 (91 人,占 32.38 %);职业暴露科室主要发生在急诊科、产科、手术室;职业暴露物品种类以锐器伤(针头)为主 (234 人,占 83.27 %),其次为黏膜暴露(31 人,占 11.03 %);职业暴露主要发生环节在于处理医疗垃圾时(45 人, 占 16.01 %)、整理用物时(35 人,占 12.46 %)、分离针头与注射器(32 人,占 11.39 %)、手术缝合(23 人,占 8.19 %); 发生职业暴露后及时报告 267 人,及时报告率为 95.01 %;276 人在职业暴露后能够正确处理,正确处置率为 98.22 %。 结论:工作年限≤ 3 年的护士为职业暴露的高危群体;每年第三季度为职业暴露高危时间;处理医疗垃圾、整理用物、 分离针头与注射器、手术缝合等操作是职业暴露的高危环节;急诊科、产科、手术室是职业暴露的高危科室。做好重 点人群、重点环节、重点科室的管理,可减少医务人员职业暴露的发生。


    〔Abstract〕 Objective To understand the status of occupational exposure of medical staff in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen Medical College, so as to provide a basis for occupational safety protection of medical staff in the future. Methods The "Occupational Exposure Registration Form" was used to collect the basic information of occupational exposed personnel from 2019 to 2021, and SPSS statistical software was used to analyze the relevant data. Results A total of 281 people had occupational exposure in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen Medical College from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, including 250 women (88.97 %). The average age was (26.46 ± 5.44) years old. Nursing staff accounted for the highest proportion (228 people, accounting for 81.14 %), followed by doctors (48 people, accounting for 17.08 %); Working years ≤ 3 years were prone to occupational exposure (149 people, accounting for 53.02 %); The occupational exposure in the third quarter of each year was relatively high (91 people, accounting for 32.38 %); The occupational exposure departments mainly occurred in emergency department, obstetrics department and operating room. The main type of occupational exposure was sharp instrument injury (needle) (234 people, accounting for 83.27 %), followed by mucosal exposure (31 people, accounting for 11.03 %). The main links of occupational exposure were treatment of medical waste (45 people, accounting for 16.01 %), treatment of materials (35 people, accounting for 12.46 %), separation of needles and syringes (32 people, accounting for 11.39 %), and surgical suture (23 people, accounting for 8.19 %). After occupational exposure, 267 people were reported in time, and the timely reporting rate was 95.01 %. 276 people could handle correctly after occupational exposure, and the correct disposal rate was 98.22 %. Conclusion Nurses with working years ≤ 3 years are the high-risk group of occupational exposure; The third quarter of each year is the time of high risk for occupational exposure; Medical waste disposal, sorting, needle and syringe separation, surgical suture and other operations are high-risk links of occupational exposure. Emergency department, obstetrics department and operating room are high-risk departments of occupational exposure. Good management of key population, key links and key departments can reduce the occurrence of occupational exposure of medical staff.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-07-15
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-01-11
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