福建省宁德市新生儿 G6PD 缺乏症基因型结果分析

(1. 宁德师范学院附属宁德市医院,福建 宁德 352100;2. 宁德市妇幼保健院,福建 宁德 352100)





R 715.5


Genotype Analysis of G6PD Deficiency in Neonates in Ningde City, Fujian Province

(1. Ningde Hospital Affiliated to Ningde Normal University, Fujian Ningde 352100; 2. Ningde Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Fujian Ningde 352100)

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    〔摘 要〕 目的:调查福建省宁德市葡萄糖 –6– 磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)缺乏症在新生儿中的发生率及其基因型的分布, 以预防 G6PD 缺乏症患儿的急性发作。方法:采用回顾性研究,调查 2016 年 4 月至 2017 年 1 月于宁德市出生的采足 底血进行 G6PD 筛查的新生儿,电话召回可疑患儿,复检并进行基因型检测,特别观察畲族新生儿的结果。结果:本 研究足底血筛查新生儿共 43192 例,其中有初筛阳性者 699 例,检出率为 1.62 %(699/43192),男性 646 例,占 1.50 %, 女性 53 例,占 0.12 %;召回 528 例,召回率 75.54 %;复检阳性 496 例,复检阳性符合率 93.93 %。280 例(56.35 %) 新生儿进行 G6PD 缺乏症基因筛查,检出 G6PD 缺乏症 239 例,符合率为 85.36 %;其中畲族患儿 64 例,占召回人 数的 22.86 %,阳性 53 例,阳性符合率 82.81 %;复检人群中畲族阳性患儿占为 18.92 %。本研究检出 c.1376G > T、 c.1388G > A、c.95A > G、c.871G > A、c.392G > T、c.1360C > T、c.1024C > T、c.1387G > T、c.487G > A、 c.493A > G 共 10 种基因型,其中以 c.1376G > T 突变最多,占 53.55 %;畲族人群中 G6PD 缺乏症患儿检出常见 的基因型为:c.1376G > T、c.1388G > A、c.95A > G、c.1024C > T。结论:宁德市新生儿 G6PD 缺乏症发病率为 1.62 %,因该病的遗传特点,男性新生儿的发病率显著高于女性;宁德地区以基因型 c.1376G > T、c.1388G > A、 c.95A > G 为多见;畲族人群中亦以 c.1376G > T、c.1388G > A、c.95A > G 常见。


    〔Abstract〕 Objective To investigate the incidence and genotype distribution of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in neonates in Ningde city, Fujian province, in order to prevent the acute onset of G6PD deficiency. Methods A retrospective study was conducted to investigate neonates born in Ningde City from April 2016 to January 2017 who received plantar blood for G6PD screening. Suspicious children were recalled by telephone for reexamination and genotype testing, special observation of the results of She nationality newborn. Results In this study, a total of 43192 neonates were screened for plantar blood, among which 699 neonates were initially positive, with a detection rate of 1.62 % (699/43192). There were 646 males (1.50 %) and 53 females (0.12 %). 528 cases were recalled, with a recall rate of 75.54%. 496 cases were retested positive, and the coincidence rate of retested positive was 93.93%. A total of 280 neonates (56.35%) were screened for G6PD deficiency, and 239 neonates were detected for G6PD deficiency, the coincidence rate was 85.36%. There were 64 cases of She nationality children, accounting for 22.86% of the recalled number, 53 cases were positive, and the positive coincidence rate was 82.81%. She nationality positive children accounted for 18.92% in the reexamination population. In this study, 10 genotypes were detected: c.1376G > T, c.1388G > A, c.95A > G, c.871G > A, c.392G > T, c.1360C > T, c.1024C > T, c.1387G > T, c.487G > A, c.493A > G. Among them, c. 1376G > T mutation was the most common, accounting for 53.55%. The common genotypes of G6PD deficiency in She population were c.1376G > T, c.1388G > A, c.95A > G and c.1024C > T. Conclusion The incidence of G6PD deficiency in neonates in Ningde city was 1.62 %. Due to the genetic characteristics of G6PD deficiency, the incidence of male neonates was significantly higher than that of female neonates. The genotypes c.1376G > T, c.1388G > A and c.95A > G were most common in Ningde area. c.1376G > T, c.1388G > A and c.95A > G are also common in She population.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-06-16
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-11-15
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