




R 445.2


Application Value of Silent Magnetic Resonance Technology to Improve the Success Rate of Children's Head Examination

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    摘 要目的:探讨静音磁共振技术提高儿童头颅磁共振成像(MRI)检查成功率及降低镇静剂使用量的临床应用价值。 方法:选取郑州市第一人民医院 2018 年 4 月至 2018 年 7 月行头颅 MRI 检查的患儿 490 例,以 4 岁为界分为两组,镇静组 (210 例) 与 非 镇 静 组(280 例)。 镇 静 组 随 机 均 分 为 A、B、C 3 个 亚 组, 分 别 采 用 0.7 mL·kg-1 、0.5 mL·kg-1 、 0.5 mL·kg-1 水合氯醛灌肠镇静,其中 A、B 组采用常规序列扫描,C 组采用静音序列扫描。非镇静组按照不同年龄分成 4 个 亚组,每组 70 例,D、E 组为 4 ~ 6 岁患儿,F、G 组为 6 岁以上患儿,D、F 组采用常规序列扫描,E、G 组采用静音磁共 振技术扫描。在检查成功的患儿中随机抽取常规及静音序列资料各 100 份,对比图像质量。 结果:镇静组中,C 组检查成 功率达到 82.9 %,略高于 A 组的 72.9 %,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),明显高于 B 组的 60.0 %,差异具有统计学意义 (P < 0.05);A 组检查成功率为 72.9 %,高于 B 组的 60.0 %,但差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);C 组非镇静组中,E 组 检查成功率为 91.4 %,明显高于 D 组的 74.3 %,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05);G 组检查成功率达到 98.6 %,与 F 组的 98.6 % 比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。图像质量方面,静音序列所得图像质量与常规序列图像质量具有较高一致性 (Z = 0.644,P = 0.520),两种不同检查方式均能获得满足诊断要求的图像。 结论:静音序列能提高儿童磁共振检查成功率, 同时也能确保图像质量,且可降低不配合患儿的镇静剂使用剂量。


    AbstractObjective To investigate the clinical application volue of silent magnetic resonance techniques to improve the success rate of children's head examination by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and reduce the use of sedatives. Methods A total of 490 children in Zhengzhou First People's Hospital from April 2018 to July 2018 were divided into two groups, The sedation group (210 cases) and non-sedation group (280 example), bounded by the age of 4 years. The sedation group was randomly divided into 3 subgroups of A, B, and C, respectively, 0.7 mL·kg-1, 0.5 mL·kg-1, 0.5 mL·kg-1 hydrated chlorofloxal chloride enema, A, B group adopted regular sequence scanning, C group uses a silent sequence scanning. non-sedation group was divided into 4 subgroups at different ages, 70 cases of each group, D, E group were 4 to 6 years old of children, F, G groups were over 6 years old. D, and F group used conventional sequence scanning, E and G group used the silent magnetic resonance technology. Randomly extract 100 parts of the routine and silent sequence data in which successful cases were randomly extracted. Results In the sedation group, the success rate of group C was 82.9%, slightly higher than that of group A (72.9%), and the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The success rate of group C was significantly higher than that of group B (60.0%), and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The success rate of examination in group A was 72.9%, higher than that in group B (60.0%), but the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). In the non-sedation group, the success rate of group E was 91.4 %, which was significantly higher than that of group D (74.3 %), and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The success rate of G group was 98.6%, and the difference was not statistically significant compared with 98.6% of F group (P > 0.05). In terms of image quality, the image quality obtained by silent sequence has a high consistency with that of conventional sequence (Z = 0.644, P = 0.520), and the two different examination methods can obtain images that meet the diagnostic requirements. Conclusion Silent sequence can improve the success rate of child magnetic resonance examination, while ensuring image quality, and can reduce the sedative use dose of the child.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-09-13
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-07-20
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