梅州市 2018–2020 年手足口病流行特征及病原谱构成分析





R 725.1


Analysis on Epidemic Characteristics and Pathogen Spectrum of Hand-foot-mouth Disease in Meizhou City from 2018 to 2020

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    摘 要目的:分析梅州市 2018–2020 年手足口病(HFMD)流行特征及病原谱构成,为采取有效的防控措施提供参 考依据。 方法:选取梅州市 2018 年 1 月至 2020 年 12 月间疾病监测信息报告系统上报的 HFMD 患者并进行检测,采集患 者咽拭子和肛拭子标本,分析肠道病毒 71 型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒 A16 型(CA16)、柯萨奇病毒 A6 型(CA6)的核酸 检测检测结果。 结果:2018–2020 年梅州市累积报告 HFMD 患者 658 例,年均发病率为 15/10 万。其中 2019 年患者最多, 发病率为 8.1/10 万;第一季度发病人数最少,共计 27 例,占总患者 4.10 %,发病高峰集中在 6、7 月份,患病人数为 230 例, 占总数的 34.95 %;第三季度疫情最为严重,患病人数为 283 例,占总患者数的 43.01 %;6 岁以下患病人数为 628 例,占 总患者数 95.44 %,以 0 ~ 3 岁婴幼儿为主,患病人数为 557 例,占总患者数 84.65 %,其中 1 岁年龄段发病人数最多为 265 例, 占总人数的 40.27 %;EV71 阳性人数、CA16 阳性人数、CA6 阳性人数、其他肠道病毒阳性人数分别为 6 例、184 例、295 例、 95 例,分别占总数的 0.91 %、27.96 %、44.83 %、14.44 %;EV71 阳性人数、CA16 阳性人数、其他肠道病毒阳性人数逐年 递减,2019 年 CA6 阳性人数最多。 结论:梅州市 HFMD 发病具有明显的年龄、季节性、人群性差异,CA16、CA6 为主要 病原体,应进一步关注 HFMD 病原谱的变化,对重点人群采取综合防控措施,降低 HFMD 的爆发流行。


    AbstractObjective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and pathogen composition of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) in Meizhou city from 2018 to 2020, and to provide reference for effective prevention and control measures. Methods HFMD patients reported by the Disease Surveillance Information Reporting System in Mezhou city from January 2018 to December 2020 were selected for detection. Throat and anal swab samples were collected and nucleic acid test results of enterovirus 71 (EV71), Coxsackie virus A16 (CA16) and Coxsackie virus A6 (CA6) were analyzed. Results A total of 660 HFMD patients were reported in Meizhou city from 2018 to 2020, with an average annual incidence of 15/100,000. In 2019, the number of patients was the most, with an incidence rate of 8.1/100,000. The number of cases in the first quarter was the lowest, 26 cases in total, accounting for 3.94% of the total patients. The peak of incidence was concentrated in June and July, 233 cases, accounting for 35.30% of the total. The third quarter was the most serious, with 286 cases, accounting for 43.33% of the total number of patients. The number of patients under 6 years old was 636, accounting for 96.36% of the total number of patients. The number of patients under 0 ~ 3 years old was 558, accounting for 84.55% of the total number of patients. Among them, the number of patients under 1 year old was the most 265, accounting for 40.15% of the total number of patients. EV71 positive cases, CA16 positive cases, CA6 positive cases and other enterovirus positive cases were 6, 184, 297 and 95 respectively, accounting for 0.91%, 27.88%, 45.00% and 14.39% of the total number, respectively. The number of EV71 positive people, CA16 positive people and other enterovirus positive people decreased year by year, and the number of CA6 positive people was the highest in 2019. Conclusion The incidence of HFMD in Meizhou city has obvious age, seasonal and population differences, and CA16 and CA6 are the main pathogens. It is necessary to pay more attention to the change of HFMD pathogen spectrum, and take comprehensive prevention and control measures for key population to reduce the outbreak of HFMD.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-09-23
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-07-20
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