T 大颗粒淋巴细胞白血病的血液病理学特征分析

(平顶山市第一人民医院,河南 平顶山 467000)





R 733.7


Analysis of Hematological Pathological Characteristics of T-large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia

(The First People's Hospital of Pingdingshan City, Henan Pingdingshan 467000)

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    〔摘 要〕 目的:分析 T 大颗粒淋巴细胞白血病(T–LGLL)的血液病理学特点。方法:选择平顶山市第一人民医院 2020 年 1 月至 2020 年 12 月收治的 19 例 T–LGLL 患者,对患者髂前或髂后上棘部位进行骨髓抽取,使用瑞特染色,样本处理之后 使用中性甲醛固定,观察苏木精–伊红(HE)染色外观形态。结合收集到的样本资料进行细胞学检测分析、骨髓涂片检测分析、 病理学分析。结果:19 例患者中,血红蛋白 42 ~ 158 g·L-1 ,16 例患者< 100 g·L-1,血小板(10 ~ 337)×109·L-1 , 6 例患者< 100×109·L-1。白细胞(2.5 ~ 17.8)×109·L-1 ,10 例患者< 4.0×109·L-1。患者外周血白细胞分类,淋巴细胞 比例为 0.33 ~ 0.95,大颗粒淋巴细胞(LGL)为 0.18 ~ 0.85,外周血 LGL 绝对数值(0.57 ~ 13.5)×109·L-1,不同患者分 别呈现出不同的骨髓增生活跃度,患者或表现较轻,或表现较为明显。淋巴细胞数值 0.09 ~ 0.90,淋巴细胞比例> 0.2 的有 2 例。患者增生较低下 1 例,增生大致正常 5 例,增生活跃 13 例。骨髓活检分析可见,患者出现增生低下、增生活跃、淋 巴细胞增多现象。淋巴细胞增生之后,体积逐渐减小,外形上呈现出卵圆或者不规则圆形,淋巴细胞主要分布于造血细胞, 呈间质型分布,3 例患者出现淋巴细胞聚集灶。全部患者均未出现骨髓坏死、噬血细胞。17 例患者进行单个核细胞 T 细胞 受体(TCR)γ 基因重排检测,其中检测阳性患者 12 例。结论:为了提升 T–LGLL 检测结果的精准性与检测效率,可以联 合运用免疫表型、外周血、分子遗传学检测方式。


    〔Abstract〕 Objective To analyze the blood pathological characteristics of T-Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia (T-LGLL). Methods 19 patients with T-LGLL who were admitted to Pingdingshan First People's Hospital from January 2020 to December 2020 were selected, and the bone marrow was selected from the anterior or posterior superior iliac spine. Reiter staining was used, and the samples were used after processing Fix with neutral formaldehyde and observe the appearance of hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. Combine the collected sample data for cytological detection and analysis, bone marrow smear detection and analysis, and pathological analysis. Results Among the 19 patients, hemoglobin was 42 ~ 158 g·L-1, 16 patients were less than 100 g·L-1, platelets (10 ~ 337)×109·L-1, and 6 patients were less than 100×109·L-1. White blood cells (2.5 ~ 17.8)×109·L-1, 10 patients < 4.0×109·L-1. The patient’s peripheral blood leukocyte classification, the lymphocyte ratio is 0.33 ~ 0.95, the large granular lymphocyte (LGL) is 0.18 ~ 0.85, the absolute value of the peripheral blood LGL (0.57 ~ 13.5)×109·L-1, different patients have different The activity of bone marrow hyperplasia may be milder or more obvious. The number of lymphocytes was 0.09-0.90, and the ratio of lymphocytes was more than 0.2 in 2 cases. There was 1 case with low hyperplasia, 5 cases with normal hyperplasia, and 13 cases with active hyperplasia. Three patients had lymphocyte aggregation foci. None of the patients had bone marrow necrosis or hemophagocytic cells. Seventeen patients underwent mononuclear cell T cell receptor (TCR) γ gene rearrangement detection, of which 12 were positive. Conclusion Analysis of bone marrow biopsy in patients with T large granular lymphocytic leukemia showed that the patients had hypoplasia, active proliferation, and lymphocytosis. After the proliferation of lymphocytes, the volume gradually decreases, showing oval or irregular circles in appearance. Lymphocytes are mainly distributed in hematopoietic cells, showing a mesenchymal distribution. In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the detection results, it can be used in combination immunophenotype, peripheral blood, and molecular genetic testing methods.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-06-23
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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-10-21
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