Abstract:〔Abstract〕 Objective To observe the perioperative coagulation function and adverse reaction in cesarean section patients suffered pernicious placenta previa undergoing acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) combined intro–operative cell salvage(ICS). Methods Sixty patients suffered pernicious placenta previa in Foshan Maternal and Children’s Health Care Central were chosen to have selected cesarean section and all the patients were divided into two groups (GroupⅠand GroupⅡ) randomly, thirty patients in each group. After fasting regularly, AHH was underwent in patients in Group Ⅱ after hetastarch 20 mL·kg-1 ·h-1 infusion and normovolemic hemodilution with compound sodium chloride 15 mL·kg-1 ·h-1 infusion in GroupⅠbefore baby borning. Left radial artery and central venous cannulation were done in all the patient to monitor blood pressure and central venous pressure. Mechanical ventilation was done after rapid sequence induction endotracheal intubation with midazolam, propofol, sufentani and cisatracurium. ICS was underwent after cord clamping. The vital signs and laboratory results were recorded in operation and the fi rst twenty-four hours. Results There were no signifi cant difference in two groups. Compared to GroupⅠ, hemoglobin, haematocrit, platelet and fi brinogen in Group Ⅱ were lower in statistical signifi cance (P < 0.05) after hemodilution and mean arterial pressure, hemoglobin, haematocrit and platelet in Group Ⅱ were higher in statistical signifi cance(P < 0.05)after placental separation and at the end of operation. Conclusion There was no impact in perioprative coagulation function in cesarean section patients suffered pernicious placenta previa undergoing acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) combined intro–operative cell salvage (ICS).